EASL will again offer both paper and electronic (ePosters) posters for presentation.
Paper posters will be displayed from Thursday to Saturday (see opening hours) in hall B: View the poster area floor plan.
ePosters will be made available throughout the congress week via ePoster terminals in the registration area & hall B and also available on the ILC 2019 mobile app.
What will be on offer in 2018?

Throughout the congress week, unlike the paper posters which are only displayed on one day, all electronic posters (ePosters) are available from Wednesday to Sunday, on multiple plasma screens throughout the congress venue, and simultaneously in the congress mobile app.

Selected posters will be presented in the four pods in the paper poster area in Hall B on Thursday, Friday and Saturday followed by questions from the audience. Oral ePoster sessions last from 30 minutes to one hour each and are provided in a very informal set-up allowing you to come and go as you please.
Each selected poster will be presented for 6 mins by their author, followed by questions from the audience.
EASL will present the latest scientific data in the field on boards in Hall B, from Thursday 11 to Saturday 13 April, between 09:00-17:00. ( *Thursday until 18:30)
There will be over 1,500 posters on display over three days.
NEW this year! You are invited Thursday 11 April, to network with poster presenters during an afternoon tea from 17:30 to 18:30 at the poster area in hall B.

Paper posters will change every day. There will be approximately 500 poster boards to view each day.
An entire area of poster boards will be dedicated to late-breaker abstract data. These will be on display from Thursday to Saturday and will not change.
Poster presenters are encouraged to be present next to their board during the breaks for discussions with delegates.
** Should you wish to recover your poster, you can do so on your presentation day. All unremoved posters will be dismantled and destroyed by on-site staff after 19:00 on Thursday 11 April and after 17:00 on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 April. View opening hours.

During lunch and coffee breaks, Key Opinion Leader (KOL) guides will tour the poster area (Hall B) with a group of 30 delegates to showcase 3-4 selected paper posters and discuss them with the respective presenters. Different tours will be scheduled, allowing 2-3 tours per break.
Find out more about the tour topics, tour guides and selected posters in the poster tour schedule below.
To join a tour, come to the meeting point corresponding to the tour at the poster area, hall B at the beginning of the break.
EASL thanks Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson for its support.
Poster tour schedule
Thursday 11: 10:00-10:30/12:30-13:00/15:30-16:00
Friday 12: 11:00-11:30/12:30-13:00/15:30-16:00
Saturday 13: 13:00-14:00715:30/16:00