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ILC 2019 gives the floor to liver transplantation and surgery with a dedicated field. Check-out all the sessions below.

No pre-registration is required. Free sessions open to all.

Meet the experts: Is screening for HCC recurrence cost-effective after liver transplantation. Do we need to perform HCC screening after liver transplantation?
Chairs: Christophe Duvoux, Christian Toso 

Preventing long-term complications in OLT
Chairs: Marina Berenguer Haym, Puneeta Tandon

Symposium: Transplant oncology from 2019 to 2025
Chairs: Joana Ferrer, Didier Samue
Hot topics in liver transplant

co-organised with ELITA, ILTS, and LICAGE

Part I: Preparing for the drastic changes in transplant medicine: donor and recipient aging and co-morbidities 
Chairs: Patrizia Burra and Philip Newsome (EASL)Part II: Innovative strategies to increase the donor pool: living donor liver transplant (LDLT), split liver transplant, DCD
Chairs: Nancy Kwan Man (ILTS) and Christophe Duvoux (ELITA)

Part III: 
Multidisciplinary peri-transplant management of advanced liver diseases: critical care in transplantation
Chairs: TBD and Fuat Saner (LICAGE)
Oral ePosters: Liver transplantation and hepatobiliary surgery – Clinical aspects
Chair: Pål Dag Line 

Liver development, physiology and regeneration
Chair: Tobias Cantz

Poster tour:
Liver transplantation and hepatobiliary surgery: Clinical aspects
Chair: François Durand
Paper posters: Liver transplantation and hepatobiliary surgery: Clinical aspects

Parallel session: Liver transplantation I
Chairs: Marina Berenguer Haym, Christian Toso
Meet the experts: Kidney failure after liver transplantation
Chairs: Patrizia Burra, Didier Samuel 

Weaning of immunosuppression after liver transplantation
Chairs: Alberto Sanchez-Fueyo, TBC

Assessing patients with NASH for transplantation
Chairs: Frank Tacke, TBC

Oral ePoster: Liver transplantation and hepatobiliary surgery – Experimental
Chairs: Renato Romagnoli
Paper posters: Liver transplantation and hepatobiliary surgery: Experimental