Do you have any questions concerning The International Liver Congress™ 2019?
EASL has a dedicated team that is here to help you with everything you need to know regarding ILC 2019.
Please find below the respective details and contact ILC 2019 team.
Scientific programme / Abstracts for EASL 2019 International Liver Congress™ 2019
For any question related to the scientific programme or abstracts for The International Liver Congress™ 2019 please contact:
EASL – The Home of Hepatology
Rue Daubin 7
1203 Geneva
Tel: +41 (0)22 807 29 71 – Office hours*

Mrs. Patricia Pochelon
Scientific Programme Manager
Tel: +41 22 807 29 75
Mob: +41 78 755 80 14

Mrs. Janine Gourgel
Scientific Programme Coordinator
Tel: +41 22 807 29 71
Registration for the International Liver Congress™ 2019
If you want to registrate for EASL 2019 ILC please contact Congrex Switzerland, on behalf of The International Liver Congress™ 2019:
Peter Merian Strasse 80,
4002 Basel,
Tel: +41 (0)61 686 77 77 – Office hours*
Accommodation/Hotels for the International Liver Congress™ 2019
Book your hotel room directly through the ILC 2019 website.
Avoid non-official booking agency sites that may appear as EASL partners. EASL has negotiated the best rates via the official hotel partner, b network.
b network
Carrer Aragó 314 1º 1ª
08009 Barcelona, Spain
Office hours: Monday to Friday
09:00-18.00 CET – Central European Time
Offices are open on regular business days with the exception of public holidays
Tel: + 34 93 550 03 50
Email: ilchotels@b-network.com
Booking website for ILC 2019: www.ilchotels.b-network.com
EASL 2019 Membership
For any question related to your EASL membership contact membership@easloffice.eu

Mrs. Aristea Kyriakati
Membership and Association’s Projects Manager
Tel: +41 22 807 29 82
For any question related to Corporate Relations and Fundraising contact ILC 2019 at ilc.industry@easloffice.eu

Mr. Alexis Schwery
Fundraising and Corporate Relations Coordinator
Tel: +41 22 807 03 68
For any question related to press activities please contact press2@easloffice.eu

Mrs. Karen Mazzoli
Head of Marketing & Communication
Tel: +41 22 807 03 64
General enquiries for EASL ILC
EASL office, ILC organisers
EASL – The Home of Hepatology
7 Rue Daubin, 1203 Geneva
Tel: +41 (0)22 807 29 80 – Office hours*
Fax: +41 (0)22 328 07 24 – Office hours*

Mrs. Montse Valls
Events Associate
Tel: +41 22 807 29 80
Click and find out more about EASL ILC 2019 event.