Become an EASL member today or renew your current EASL membership before 31st December 2018 and enjoy reduced fees to next year’s annual congress.
EASL members will also benefit from a full year of educational tools and services (1st January 2019 – 31st December 2019);
- Journal of Hepatology* online access
- Reduced fees to The International Liver CongressTM(ILC) and all EASL events
- Best research; EASL Fellowships and Mentorships
- Opportunity to host EASL Monothematic Conferences and EASL Special Conferences
- Best education; EASL Schools of Hepatology and Masterclass
- Funding support;endorsement and sponsorship, registry grants, EU funding and application support for the EU Research Framework Programme
- Access to the LiverTreeTM
- Weekly e-Newsletter
EASL member’s registration fees will only be available after your application or renewal has been fully processed.