EASL welcomes interest from the media regarding all matters relating to hepatology and is happy to provide assistance to journalists who wish to attend The International Liver Congress™ 2019 (ILC 2019).
The ILC 2019 press kit will be available prior to the Congress.
For all enquiries regarding ILC 2019, please contact the ILC 2019 Press Team on press2@easloffice.eu. The Team will be happy to assist with registration, embargo information, audio or video recordings and all matters relating to the media.
Registration fees will be waived for members of the press who wish to attend and cover the ILC. EASL defines “press” as reporters, writers, editors, publishers, photographers, videographers, or webmasters who are attending the event for news reporting purposes for, or on behalf of, news services, broadcast outlets or news websites that are issued regularly and primarily for the dissemination of news.
Proof of media credentials will be required during both the online and onsite registration process. Please note that business cards are NOT acceptable as a form of media credential. EASL reserves the right to deny a press badge to any person at the discretion of EASL staff.
To avoid delays on-site, we strongly encourage you to register online in advance. By registering online, your press badge will be available on-site at the registration desk.
Registration instructions
Please click on the ‘media registration’ link below and log in or create an account (if you do not already have one). If you are creating an account, you will be asked to provide your email and a password and you will then be sent an email with a confirmation link. Click on this confirmation and log back into the EASL platform with your email and password. You will then need to complete all the fields in the ‘my account’ section at the top of the web page. Once this is complete you can click on the ‘press application’ icon on the main dashboard to complete your details and upload your press credentials.
Once you have submitted your registration you will be sent a confirmation email and your registration will be reviewed and confirmed within a few days. If further information is required to confirm your registration then a member of the ILC 2019 Press Team will contact you.
If you have any problems with your registration process then please do not hesitate to contact the ILC 2019 Press Team on press2@easloffice.eu or +44 (0)1444 811099. The Team will be happy to assist you with your registration.
If you have not registered online prior to your arrival in Vienna, you will need to register on-site at The International Liver Congress ™2019 registration desk. Proof of media accreditation will be required together with a valid passport or ID-card.
Registration in advance is strongly recommended to enable the ILC 2019 Press Team to deal with any queries or issues ahead of the Congress. Only registered media representatives will be permitted to attend scientific sessions and work in the media areas.
The official language of The International Liver Congress™ 2019 is English. Simultaneous translation will not be provided.